Kubernetes 新手issue整理
2021-09-17 tech kubernetes 14 mins 5244 字
捡几个新手 issue做个记录,也是k8s学习的一部分吧,看了这么多,心里也有底了。新手可以进入这个快速链接
- sig/api-machinery: apiserver/pkg/storage/interfaces.go contains unintended HTML tags,令人暖心的issue,改一些注释,直接告诉你怎么改。
- sig/cloud-provider: Log attempts to output resp.Body ,还是改日志,
- sig/scheduling: Scheduler: Ensure the default config output of –write-to-config is usable , kube-scheculer的默认输入优化,
- sig/network: (cleanup) Make the netpol/ model.go model stateful ,一个讨论issue。
- sig/node:Pods with Shutdown status confuse users of graceful node shutdown feature,又是令人暖心的issue,改状态值。
- sig/network: Endpoint slice mirroring controller mirrors kubectl kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration,一个逻辑bug,新人挺有趣的,直接说我不会你能指导一下吗,氛围不错。
- sig/network:Server logs flooded with Skipping invalid IP,关联其他issue去了,ingress 前置判断逻辑少了。
- sig/api-machinery: Misnamed feature gate in API server help ,关联其他issue去了,api文档。
- sig/api-machinery: CRD structural schema validation doesn’t allow having description on openAPIV3Schema.properties,crd报错描述讨论。
- sig/scheduling: sched: cleanup clusterEventReg from pkg/scheduler/internal/queue/events.go, 清理已有代码逻辑。
- sig/testing: Improve concurrency for hack/verify-structured-logging.sh 提高测试并发。
- sig/usability:Change the users of IsQualifiedName to ValidateQualifiedName 修改函数名。
- sig/network: Use helper functions to clean up test-cases (specifically net but not really specific),新人回复想assign,挺nice,可以参考。清除一些冗余测试用例。
- sig/testing: Switch to new location and version for cfssl and cfssljson (cfssl and cfssljson installed via ./hack/local-cluster-up.sh broken) ,硬编码的文件,链接失效了。
- sig/network+sig/windows: Add priority flag to kube-proxy on Windows hosts,开开关关好多次,windows的可能没那么多人看。
- sig/windows:windows kube-proxy: fall back to node-local terminating endpoints for external traffic,没人理
- sig/windows:cheking UID’s in windows, follow on (quick pr)
- sig/windows:Remove WindowsGMSA and WindowsRunAsUserName feature gates in 1.20
- sig/api-machinery: core v1 Event API needs improvement?,误导性的注释说明,pr.
- sig/network: Feature gate ExternalPolicyForExternalIP is GA - when does it get removed? 清理过期代码
- sig/network:Feature gate SupportIPVSProxyMode is GA - when does it get removed? 清理过期代码
- sig/api-machinery, sig/cli: Kubectl: Keepalive connection to API server for exec and logs.
- sig/docs: Analytics link not working in main README.md #93949
- sig/scheduling: scheduler PreFilter NodePorts plugins clean up getContainerPorts Loop naming #93744
- sig/node:Add unit test for
#92996 - sig/network: kube-proxy: treat failure to bind to a port as fatal #89350 是个不错的pr,更有趣的是,这个哥们自我申请成为 sig-network的reviewer,看完之后有种,噢,好像对社区的流程又懂了一些。
- sig/auth:Inaccurate logging when RBAC Authorizer returns DecisionNoOpinion #89458 ,看pr记录也不错。
- sig/api-machinery: Incomplete list of operations for admission webhook #90632 跟着这个issue,发现了这个93年的小姐姐,还申请成为 k8s member,学习了。
- sig/network: API-server repair considers ports with same port number but different protocols as same #91404 up主也申请成为 k8s member。
- sig/node: imagePullPolicy when defined without a value defaults to Always not to IfNotPresent #91944
Prow 命令 | 角色限制 | 描述 |
/lgtm |
任何人均可使用,但只有评阅人和批准人使用此命令的时候才会触发自动化操作 | 用来表明你已经完成 PR 的评阅并对其所作变更表示满意 |
/approve |
批准人 | 批准某 PR 可以合并 |
/assign |
评阅人或批准人 | 指派某人来评阅或批准某 PR |
/close |
评阅人或批准人 | 关闭 Issue 或 PR |
/hold |
任何人 | 添加 do-not-merge/hold 标签,用来表明 PR 不应被自动合并 |
/hold cancel |
任何人 | 去掉 do-not-merge/hold 标签 |
- PR:Pull Request.
- AKA: also known as,又名
/assign <username>
,接下这个issue,我要承包了。- LGTM/SGTM, Looks/Sounds Good To Me, 看起来不错, 没有问题(别人 review 完 PR 之后)
- WIP, Work In Progress, 开发中(work in progress, do not merge yet)
- CC, Carbon Copy, 抄送(邮件),相当于 @。
- PTAL, Please Take A Look, 帮我看下(请别人 review 自己的 PR)
- RFC, Request For Comments, 请求评论, i.e. I think this is a good idea, lets discuss
- AFAIK / AFAICT, As Far As I Know / Can Tell, 据我所知
- IMHO, In My Humble Opinion, 以我的拙见(多用于邮件和网络)
- FYI, For your information, 供你参考
- AFK, Away From the Keyboard, 稍后回来
- ACK, ACKnowledgement, 同意, i.e. agreed/accepted change
- NACK/NAK, Negative ACKnowledgement, 不同意, i.e. disagree with change and/or concept
附二、github kubernetes 的label
在issue的右上角可以看到这些label,每周都有一个特定的文档批准人自愿负责对 PR 进行分类和评阅。
标签 | 描述 |
priority/critical-urgent |
应马上处理 |
priority/important-soon |
应在 3 个月内处理 |
priority/important-longterm |
应在 6 个月内处理 |
priority/backlog |
可无限期地推迟,可在人手充足时处理 |
priority/awaiting-more-evidence |
占位符,标示 Issue 可能是一个不错的 Issue,避免该 Issue 被忽略或遗忘 |
help or good first issue |
适合对 Kubernetes 或 SIG Docs 经验较少的贡献者来处理。 |
- good first issue: 新手友好的!
- help wanted: 成员致力于提供新的贡献者提供额外援助。
- kind
- cleanup: 清理。
- documentation
- bug
- lifecycle
- stale: 过去 90 天内某 Issue 无人问津.
- frozen: 即使超过 90 天仍无人处理,也不会进入停滞状态。
- backlog
- active
- priority
- sig
- node
- network
- …
- needs-triage
- triage
- accepted
- duplicate: 重复的 Issue